We live life in a way, it is not supposed to be lived

Shilpi Agarwal
4 min readFeb 14, 2023
Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

We are all living life in a way that we forget all the important things about it — its truth, its depth, its meaning. The best way to lead the life for us is to make ourselves so busy that we don’t get any time to ask the important questions, and of course answer them.

Most of our day is spent completing tasks, worrying and stressing about how to get it all done, and running around like a headless chicken. In return we reward ourselves by collecting brands and luxuries, binge-watching on mindless television, and hogging on unhealthy food. We try to build a perfect picture for others, with our outrageously filtered pictures, which we all know is more or less a facade. Nobody is living that colorful a life, nothing is as perfect as it is shown. The truth is we all are living the same life — full of chaos, anxiety, a race to get things done and get through our day. And in the end to feel fulfilled and accomplished, we all are just spending money to make us feel good, and flaunting stuff on social media — that’s it. This is the truth of life for most of us nowadays.

Work is just something we HAVE to do

We are working because we don’t know how else to spend our time. When you think about it, how ridiculous does that sound! People don’t like, forget about love, what they are doing most of their lives. They are just doing it because they don’t know what else to do. Is life so senseless? The one we call the most precious gift, the one for which we suffer so much, the one which makes us do unimaginable things, fight for till our last breath, and survive insurmountable odds just so that we could cling to it for some more time, that life, that precious, invaluable life, we are spending in a way we don’t even like, because we don’t know what else to do with it!

Isn’t it just a way to escape the reality? After all, the best way to run away from the truth is to just not think about it. We have made ourselves so busy that we don’t get time to think, forget ask, about the well being of our loved ones. We are just acting like a hamster running on the wheel. We don’t even know where we are going!

No time for the most important things

We don’t have any time for maintaining, arguably the most important things in our life — our physical health, our mental health, our relationships. We don’t get time to eat a healthy meal on time, forget about preparing one. We don’t even have the time to listen to our loved ones, forget about asking them how they are doing. Most of the times I don’t really listen when my daughter is talking to me. It’s like her voice is just a background noise to me, while I am busy thinking about and finishing up my work. The voice and concerns of the most important person in my life — just a background noise!

So who are we doing this all for? It’s not doing any good to us, not even our loved ones — then why are we even doing it? Money is important, there is no denying it, but the question is how much of it is we need and how much is just want; because it is never enough, no matter how much you have it, and it would never ever make you feel satiated. Just so that we could live someone else’s idea of how life should be, and feeding the economy to keep up the GDP numbers, we are just wasting away our most precious possession! And in the end when it is all going away, we contemplate and think about what happened to this time? Where did it all go? At that time when we are lonely and no more busy, when we have all the time in the world to just think about what life is all about, we can’t do much about it. Because the time is gone, those important people are gone.

How could we make it better

This life could be so beautiful if we just try a bit. We can be that person who is not waiting for Fridays and dreading their Mondays, if we just put a little more thought and perspective into things. We all could be that person who loves what he does, and is not just doing it because there is nothing else to do. We could be truly fulfilled and satisfied. We won’t need the crutches of society’s validation to make us feel accomplished.

It only takes a little bit of knowing yourself, asking the hard questions, slowing down. Asking what is it that you really want from life, what is truly important to you? How are you going to get it? What work do you need to do to get it? Becoming aware of your own thoughts and yourself is the key here. Our whole life we are fed beliefs, and this image of what we should be. Most of the times we don’t even know who we are and what we really want! This whole journey is about knowing yourself and figuring out what we really want, not what we are made to believe we want.



Shilpi Agarwal

Writing helps me declutter my thoughts and see clearly. I write to learn!